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Version: 0.1.2 Type: application AppVersion: 0.1.2

The open-source platform for running AI workloads on k8s in an optimized way, both in terms of hardware utilization and workload performance.


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Michele Zanotti
Diego Fiori

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Key Type Default Description
allowDefaultNamespace bool false If true allows to deploy nos chart in the default namespace
gpuPartitioner.affinity object {} Sets the affinity config of the GPU Partitioner Pod.
gpuPartitioner.batchWindowIdleSeconds int 10 Idle seconds before the GPU partitioner processes the current batch if no new pending Pods are created, and the timeout has not been reached. Higher values make the GPU partitioner will potentially take into account more pending Pods when deciding the GPU partitioning plan, but the partitioning will be performed less frequently
gpuPartitioner.batchWindowTimeoutSeconds int 60 Timeout of the window used by the GPU partitioner for batching pending Pods. Higher values make the GPU partitioner will potentially take into account more pending Pods when deciding the GPU partitioning plan, but the partitioning will be performed less frequently string "nos-device-plugin-configs" Name of the ConfigMap containing the NVIDIA Device Plugin configuration files. It must be equal to the value "" of the Helm chart used for deploying the NVIDIA GPU Operator.
gpuPartitioner.devicePlugin.config.namespace string "nebuly-nvidia" Namespace of the ConfigMap containing the NVIDIA Device Plugin configuration files. It must be equal to the namespace where the Nebuly NVIDIA Device Plugin has been deployed to.
gpuPartitioner.devicePlugin.configUpdateDelaySeconds int 5 Duration of the delay between when the new partitioning config is computed and when it is sent to the NVIDIA device plugin. Since the config is provided to the plugin as a mounted ConfigMap, this delay is required to ensure that the updated ConfigMap is propagated to the mounted volume.
gpuPartitioner.enabled bool true Enable or disable the nos gpu partitioner
gpuPartitioner.fullnameOverride string ""
gpuPartitioner.gpuAgent object - Configuration of the GPU Agent component of the GPU Partitioner.
gpuPartitioner.gpuAgent.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Sets the GPU Agent Docker image pull policy.
gpuPartitioner.gpuAgent.image.repository string "" Sets the GPU Agent Docker image.
gpuPartitioner.gpuAgent.image.tag string "" Overrides the GPU Agent image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
gpuPartitioner.gpuAgent.logLevel int 0 The level of log of the GPU Agent. Zero corresponds to info, while values greater or equal than 1 corresponds to higher debug levels. Must be >= 0.
gpuPartitioner.gpuAgent.reportConfigIntervalSeconds int 10 Interval at which the mig-agent will report to k8s status of the GPUs of the Node
gpuPartitioner.gpuAgent.resources object {"limits":{"cpu":"100m","memory":"128Mi"}} Sets the resource requests and limits of the GPU Agent container.
gpuPartitioner.gpuAgent.runtimeClassName string nil The container runtime class name to use for the GPU Agent container.
gpuPartitioner.gpuAgent.tolerations list [{"effect":"NoSchedule","key":"","operator":"Equal","value":"spot"}] Sets the tolerations of the GPU Agent Pod.
gpuPartitioner.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Sets the GPU Partitioner Docker image pull policy.
gpuPartitioner.image.repository string "" Sets the GPU Partitioner Docker image.
gpuPartitioner.image.tag string "" Overrides the GPU Partitioner image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
gpuPartitioner.knownMigGeometries list - List that associates GPU models to the respective allowed MIG configurations
gpuPartitioner.kubeRbacProxy object - Configuration of the Kube RBAC Proxy, which runs as sidecar of all the GPU Partitioner components Pods.
gpuPartitioner.leaderElection.enabled bool true Enables/Disables the leader election of the GPU Partitioner controller manager.
gpuPartitioner.logLevel int 0 The level of log of the GPU Partitioner. Zero corresponds to info, while values greater or equal than 1 corresponds to higher debug levels. Must be >= 0.
gpuPartitioner.migAgent object - Configuration of the MIG Agent component of the GPU Partitioner.
gpuPartitioner.migAgent.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Sets the MIG Agent Docker image pull policy.
gpuPartitioner.migAgent.image.repository string "" Sets the MIG Agent Docker image.
gpuPartitioner.migAgent.image.tag string "" Overrides the MIG Agent image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
gpuPartitioner.migAgent.logLevel int 0 The level of log of the MIG Agent. Zero corresponds to info, while values greater or equal than 1 corresponds to higher debug levels. Must be >= 0.
gpuPartitioner.migAgent.reportConfigIntervalSeconds int 10 Interval at which the mig-agent will report to k8s the MIG partitioning status of the GPUs of the Node
gpuPartitioner.migAgent.resources object {"limits":{"cpu":"100m","memory":"128Mi"}} Sets the resource requests and limits of the MIG Agent container.
gpuPartitioner.migAgent.tolerations list [{"effect":"NoSchedule","key":"","operator":"Equal","value":"spot"}] Sets the tolerations of the MIG Agent Pod.
gpuPartitioner.nameOverride string ""
gpuPartitioner.nodeSelector object {} Sets the nodeSelector config of the GPU Partitioner Pod.
gpuPartitioner.podAnnotations object {} Sets the annotations of the GPU Partitioner Pod.
gpuPartitioner.podSecurityContext object {"runAsNonRoot":true,"runAsUser":1000} Sets the security context of the GPU partitioner Pod.
gpuPartitioner.replicaCount int 1 Number of replicas of the gpu-manager Pod.
gpuPartitioner.resources object {"limits":{"cpu":"500m","memory":"128Mi"},"requests":{"cpu":"10m","memory":"64Mi"}} Sets the resource limits and requests of the GPU partitioner container. string "nos-scheduler-config" Name of the ConfigMap containing the k8s scheduler configuration file. If not specified or the ConfigMap does not exist, the GPU partitioner will use the default k8s scheduler profile.
gpuPartitioner.tolerations list [] Sets the tolerations of the GPU Partitioner Pod.
nvidiaGpuResourceMemoryGB int 32 Defines how many GB of memory each resource has.
operator.affinity object {} Sets the affinity config of the operator Pod.
operator.enabled bool true Enable or disable the nos operator
operator.fullnameOverride string ""
operator.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Sets the operator Docker image pull policy.
operator.image.repository string "" Sets the operator Docker repository
operator.image.tag string "" Overrides the operator Docker image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
operator.kubeRbacProxy object - Configuration of the Kube RBAC Proxy, which runs as sidecar of the operator Pods.
operator.leaderElection.enabled bool true Enables/Disables the leader election of the operator controller manager.
operator.logLevel int 0 The level of log of the controller manager. Zero corresponds to info, while values greater or equal than 1 corresponds to higher debug levels. Must be >= 0.
operator.nameOverride string ""
operator.nodeSelector object {} Sets the nodeSelector config of the operator Pod.
operator.podAnnotations object {} Sets the annotations of the operator Pod.
operator.podSecurityContext object {"runAsNonRoot":true} Sets the security context of the operator Pod.
operator.replicaCount int 1 Number of replicas of the controller manager Pod.
operator.resources object {"limits":{"cpu":"500m","memory":"128Mi"},"requests":{"cpu":"10m","memory":"64Mi"}} Sets the resource limits and requests of the operator controller manager container.
operator.securityContext object {"allowPrivilegeEscalation":false,"capabilities":{"drop":["ALL"]}} Sets the security context of the operator container.
operator.tolerations list [] Sets the tolerations of the operator Pod.
scheduler.affinity object {} Sets the affinity config of the scheduler deployment.
scheduler.config object {} Overrides the Kube Scheduler configuration
scheduler.enabled bool true Enable or disable the nos scheduler
scheduler.fullnameOverride string ""
scheduler.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Sets Docker image pull policy.
scheduler.image.repository string "" Sets Docker image.
scheduler.image.tag string "" Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
scheduler.leaderElection.enabled bool true Enables/Disables the leader election when deployed with multiple replicas.
scheduler.logLevel int 0 The level of log of the scheduler. Zero corresponds to info, while values greater or equal than 1 corresponds to higher debug levels. Must be >= 0.
scheduler.nameOverride string ""
scheduler.nodeSelector object {} Sets the nodeSelector config of the scheduler deployment.
scheduler.podAnnotations object {} Sets the annotations of the scheduler Pod.
scheduler.podSecurityContext object {} Sets the security context of the scheduler Pod
scheduler.replicaCount int 1 Number of replicas of the scheduler.
scheduler.resources object {"limits":{"cpu":"500m","memory":"128Mi"},"requests":{"cpu":"10m","memory":"64Mi"}} Sets the resource limits and requests of the scheduler container.
scheduler.securityContext object {"privileged":false} Sets the security context of the scheduler container
scheduler.tolerations list [] Sets the tolerations of the scheduler deployment.
shareTelemetry bool true If true, shares with Nebuly telemetry data collected only during the Chart installation